Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Violence does not make sense.

The other day someone told me something that has stuck with me.

You are very intelligent, and that is going to be your biggest hindrance. Stop reading. Violence does not make sense. It does not make sense that human beings can hurt each other.


Ironically, I want to make sense of that. I think it's because we are all filled with God. Filled to the brim with God. All of us. So how can God violate God? How can Essence kill Essence? How can Self rape Self? I think that's why that Rwandan documentary said "If you knew me, and you knew yourself, you would not have killed me." So how can we both be filled to the brim with God and be so disconnected from God that we violate each other? Okay, yea, that's where it doesn't make any sense.

Sometimes there is nothing you can do about it.