Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Some pictures, to see what I see. 

The whole JVC Peru Crew. Mo, Rose, Mallory, Ashlen, Nate, Me, Mateo, Seamus, and behind, Gabe, Cara, Greg, and Sam.

Our Rockna audition.

The band. 
 Yea, this poster I find rather blunt. This wouldn´t fly in the US. Interesting.

 I forgot to mention that during the rock concert, I cut my finger while playing the tambourine. Battle scars.

Okay, a little explanation. Sunday was Dia Familiar, basically the day that schools in Peru celebrate their anniversary with a family day festival. Such festival consists of food and dancing. Every grade level is required to perform a traditional Peruvian dance, and they make a competition out of it. Peruivians take dancing very seriously. I mean, preschoolers were dressed up and preforming. The only thing that stops you from dancing is extreme illness, and if you have no rhythm, you learn. Well, the teachers performed a dance at the end, and all us volunteers went with them. Here we are, dancing.

This is the Andahuaylillas group: left to right, Mallory, Sam, Me, Mateo, and Cara. Yes, I am wearing fake braids, or trensas. Yes, my host family insisted on it. If your hair is not long enough to braid, you get yarn braids and tie them to your head. I am also wearing clip on earrings my host family insisted on as well. 

And here is my host family, minus the grandparents. Mama Peruana Edda, and Hermana Peruana Stephanie.

1 comment:

  1. If you didn't CUT your hair a while back you could've attempted a braid! :P
