Tuesday, February 8, 2011

oh shoot!

I'm the only one who will laugh at that title, but the kiddos on Mes de Misión would say it a lot. One dude, Luis, said it so funny that I would burst out laughing no matter what was happening, including during math class. What a great teacher I am. Good thing I'm not a teacher.

Anyways, pictures.

Our first day, how we cooked some chicken. I thought to myself, this is going to be a long month.

Someone drew me on the board. I'm a duende = elf because we played this game with elves. haha.

harvesting avas. gorgeous view of the landscape.

One of the best days of work we ever had, cleaning the caminos.

We had a quinceñera party for some of the girls, and they insisted we dress up.This is what i had to wear.

All of us dressed up. Confidence booster that we all fit into 14 and 15 year old's clothes. bam.

With some of the kiddos, working.

Dude read Leo's palm. Also notice the Harry Potter hat. Awesome.

She is 80 years old and works on her farm every day. These are the people we tried to help.  

All of us. We weren't ready. Obvio.

Another amazing I-wasnt-ready picture. I love this one.

You can hardly see Albert the Alpaca behind us, but he managed to wrap his leash around our legs so that I am falling on Rose. =)

The kiddos finally reunited with their families, a nice little surprise. You can also see the Mes de Misión tshirt we made. I drew the picture on the back, just so you know. =) Little proud of that.

Paty and Ruth, the mean girls. Yea, really. They look thug. Haha. They made fun of me so much all month. But at the end they told me I was their friend. Sounds like teenagers to me.

The banner for the promoción. Cool stuff.



  1. Well done! Nice orange pants. You look good anyway

  2. Woo! Longer hair! :P And quite the loud pants there. Also, Alber's stunt with you guys very cute. Glad to hear you're still finding outlets for your drawn art!

  3. oaiuaroijajksñfiaowirfjkfgj!!!!!!!!!!!!
