Sunday, February 5, 2012



Shoes on. Shoes off. Shoes on. Off. On again. Off. Off.
The silence is the easy part.
The actions of our minds are most important. Every act of hatred first started in your mind.
You are the first victim of your hatred.
Is anger a defilement of the mind, or is it just a natural part of life? Is there such a thing as righteous anger?
Forgive them, for they know not what they do.
The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. You must knock on the door.
Start again.
Work diligently, ardently, patiently and persistently.
Start again.
Start again.
Normal breath. Just as it is.
Everything changes. Everything changes. Everything changes.
There is no I.
Do not identify with the pain. Or the elation.
Someone came to your house and brought fire. Instead of using water to put it out, you drenched everything with kerosene. You burn, I burn, we are all destroyed.
Anger creates anger. Hatred creates hatred.
May all beings be happy.
Just remain aware.
Start again.
Work. Keep working.
Craving, aversion, ignorance.
This too will change.
May you have real peace, real happiness, real joy.
You are your own master.
You are in charge of your own liberation, your own salvation.
Awareness and Equanimity.
Don't react. Change the habit pattern of the mind at its deepest level.
Good, don't believe me! Just keep trying. Find your own wisdom.
Come out of your misery.
This has arisen so that it may pass away.

Take rest. Take rest.

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