from an email my mom sent me (my translation).
Temía estar sola hasta que aprendí a quererme a mi misma.
I was afraid to be alone, until I learned to love myself.
Temía fracasar hasta que me di cuenta que, únicamente fracaso si no lo intento.
I was afraid of failing, until I realized I only fail if I don't try.
Temía lo que la gente opinara de mí, hasta que me di cuenta que, de todos modos opinarían de mi.
I was afraid of people's opinions of me, until I realized, no matter what, they will have opinions of me.
Temía me rechazaran, hasta que entendí que debía tener fe en mi misma.
I was afraid of rejection, until I understood that I must have faith in myself.
Temía al dolor, hasta que aprendí que este es necesario para crecer.
I was afraid of pain, until I learned that it is necessary for growth.
Temía a la verdad, hasta que descubrí la fealdad de las mentiras.
I was afraid of truth, until I discovered the ugliness of lies.
Temía a la muerte, hasta que aprendí que no es el final sino más bien el comienzo.
I was afraid of death, until I learned it is not the end, but rather a beginning.
Temía al odio, hasta que me di cuenta que no es otra cosa más que ignorancia.
I was afraid of hatred, until I realized it is nothing more than ignorance.
Temía al ridículo, hasta que aprendí a reírme de mi misma.
I was afraid of ridicule, until I learned to laugh at myself.
Temía hacerme viejo, hasta que comprendí que ganaba sabiduría día a día.
I was afraid of getting old, until I understood that I gain wisdom day by day.
Temía al pasado, hasta que comprendí que no podía herirme más.
I was afraid of the past, until I understood that it cannot hurt me anymore.
Temía a la oscuridad, hasta que vi la belleza de la luz de una estrella
I was afraid of darkness, until I saw the beauty of the light of a star.
Temía al cambio, hasta que vi que aún la mariposa más hermosa, necesitaba pasar por una metamorfosis antes de volar.
I was afraid of change, until I saw that even the most beautiful butterfly has to transform before it can fly.
Hagamos que nuestras vidas en cada día tengan más vida y si nos sentimos desfallecer no olvidemos que al final, seimpre hay algo mas.
Let our lives in each day have life, and if we feel ourselves becoming weak, let us not forget that in the end, there is always more.
How BEautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!