Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Moment for Meditation

From the Columbia St. Mary's Moment for Meditiation line:

An affirmation of the spirit called Everlasting Arms.

All this week I am going to live worthily as a child of God.
His love is around me.
Underneath are the everlasting arms.
I'm going to be honest and true
And brave
in all the events of life
and I believe that to those who love God all things work together for good.

I'm going to rise above all worry, fretting, fear and hatred
to live in an atmosphere of spiritual serenity.
My life is part of God's plan,
and that which is divine within me can never fail nor be defeated.
Behind all that comes,
God's love and wisdom will be present to strengthen and sustain.

Courage: To speak the truths of your life from your whole heart.


  1. This is worth printing, framing and place it in a place that we can see it everyday to remind us that our goal is spiritual serenity.
    That is what God wants from us.
    I love you
